Friday, June 3, 2011

Tell yourself to be strong

A thousand years will eventually watch, because contain life energy, inevitable awakes, burning. Once, there is always a lost of awakened in the day, because u won't end with conscience. All the living object will coruscate gives its own light, no matter how much sleep, hiding it deep, will necessarily be found and reflects its due value. fashion coach luggage 

Because of spring, earth awaken, dew in sunshine, reveal its gorgeous feeding posture, glows the life brilliance. Hibernating animals will also be aroused by the coming of spring, climbed out of the cave, drilling mud in the vast wilderness in active. Trees and flowers for the arrival of spring, gradually awoke from a deep sleep, developed the flower of life. Everything was awakened, once the silence maybe just accumulate energy, because the existence of life, natural light always on a certain day one moment coruscate its luster. 

Thousands of years of ancient civilization, despite her silent old, but today people in the world are continuously explore recreates the light is, she with sun and the moon together. These art treasures to condense the laborer effort and life, become historic enduring miracle. Because humans to oneself human once lost, to the peoples of theft property, wanton and destroyed the ecological balance of nature, destroy all mankind common homeland, which eventually led to the disaster, leaving the frequent giant pain without remedy. After such a harsh truth, conscience will necessarily be before awakening, "never too late to mend", dedicated to protecting natural, recovery of ecological ___11__our environment, return to human a slice of clean space, everybody all create better homes and harmonious. 

All life is on land, the growth of the dew in sunshine, we are on by their parents, from favor and growth, parents taught feeding of grace will be contributing to, this is innate affection, not born, can have the heart of violation of certain people due to personal calamity in the lurch, unexpectedly do WuNi, committing heinous iniquity, and vanished humanity. Because of his actions will encounter all of conscience, missing athanasy must be also will be awakened, deplores his frustrated and born in the heart of the undying elitist. Since the ancient times the divine sages thinkers in reminds us all, respect old love young as people should have instincts, we must carry forward the brightness of pass, humanity can guangyao qiangiu. 

Learning is always our course, wisdom in life, only by constantly seeking the being enterprising, can become of his wealth. Just because there are so must process, will inevitably encounter hardship, lose yourself, losing self, thus unavoidably go astray. If not self-discipline, term for yourself and others will bring disaster, leaving lifelong regret. It must awake know yourself, awaken the lack of conscience, complete once human beings should carry of responsibility and mission, not against moral regulations, the natural resource damage in the self-interest. Care for others, achievement oneself, can be engaged in social activities, blazing national tradition, observe social ethics, and as a model to establish their image, become the next generation study example. genuine coach luggage 

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