Wednesday, June 22, 2011

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"No, when you go to give her a call on the walk we went to look at where we live." Fangcui Yu Feng Yun has not been released Feng Yun little hand touched the hearts of her little hands while burning.

"Good" Feng Yun nodded.

So Fangcui Yu Feng Yun elsewhere with export secretly left the city square known as Feng Yun Fang Cuiyu behind a tail now is not the time to let CHEN Tian-ming know her so she should be careful.

Malaysia went on the first floor of the stairs he waved his hands go first. Two guys over there that just left the door to the stairs there is a God who is the manager of the club days Fangcui Yu's men.micasee blogspot blog

"Shrimp is something I have to run a brother." Malaysia appears immediately saw the manager and said bowing.

"What good does not expose the flaws, right?" Shrimp brother asked Malaysia.

Malaysia said, shaking his head, "which will do shrimp though my brother but I do not do martial arts acting is very good that Xiaoyun must not tell."

"Then you remember you first go to another city for a few days does not give you a call if you do not come back so they would not CHEN Tian-ming Xiao Yun is where you put your catch is you are telling lies." Shrimp brother says .

"I know the" finish to want to leave Malaysia.

"Malaysia's something you have not given me?" Shrimp brother suddenly stopped in Malaysia.

Malaysia said, "What ah? Shrimp brother."

"My boss gave you a check then you do not want to just take it then, but one hundred and fifty thousand ah!" Shrimp brother stared at Malaysia said.

"Shrimp brother I want to live somewhere else some time if not money that is not enough." Malaysian busy Peizhao Xiao.

"You're not CHEN Tian-ming's hands, where fifty thousand dollars to get it? That you eat enough of fifty thousand dollars for some time." Shrimp brother out of his hand coldly. CHEN Tian-ming had already put them in the next day fifty thousand dollars to the Colombian shrimp found in Malaysia but Malaysia to let him play a show just why they occur scene.

Malaysian shrimp see his brother's face changed shrimp brother knows the hearts of the road at the root Shoula hook as long as he was going to hell, where his Cengfan the. "This is a check we Shrimp brother live in the trail also not easy!" Malaysian shrimp brother quickly handed the check.

"I know so I can not let you take fifty thousand flowers? Say you can find elsewhere Momen our people so that you can still earn money in other cities." Shrimp brother took the check said.
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"Really great shrimp brother that I will listen to you after you asked me what I do I'll never be two words." Malaysian brother desperately Paizhuoxiongtang position to the shrimp. Although magic g p m before the main door of their forces in the city of forces m to be neutralized, but starving camel is a horse than the horse much aware of this. Fangcui Yu Feng Yun was very beautiful to the penthouse floor of a room two floors below this is the hall are three large room above. This is Fang Cuiyu in m city past the place where she is also often a woman ** place.

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