Saturday, June 4, 2011

Public and Private

Public and private is the antithesis of the two should have to share a noun is peaceful world, this let me feel contradictory unity is such exists in my eye. However, in public, I'm in carefully examining the private, issued the marvel of eclogue! 
Private student learning ethos thick. Private students enter school isn't literally into, but to pass the exam, eligible to enter. In the year section exam, if the score is not unqualified, still want to QuanTui. So private student, not good study won't remain in private. In this way, students have the door to get to exult, get in the door, and will not be to repel and efforts to struggle with throbbing. Every day there are students at night after eleven and borrow the lamplight of toilet in, there are students study covered quilt, flashlight learning. Of that hard learning spirit is very touching. 
And in public school students learning wind indifference. Most students don't study, only a few of the students' learning, so hard to the wind. But most students' improper behavior has produced a great impetus function: Internet cafes, go to a blanket-shaped sheet, to billiards room, truancy... Teachers can't tube, parents are accustomed to, the school no effective management measures. So encourages the students' improper conduct horizontal line. Once saw a place objects of, that be the entire school news, and now the object that is not in the news, everywhere students bad behavior. And these have all become accustomed to, who are already accustomed to, became an incurable disease. 
Private schools work efficiency is surprising. Private schools every division every day to do three, four sets of examination papers, everyday want 12 lesson. Each lesson, lie between a quiz scores will emerge. Every time that night the final exam scores. 12 apart The next day the entire school the big list will post out, everyone can see. This is any public schools can't do it. Unless give overtime, unless it is a teacher's qualification which make materials. Once a private school and a public schools to batch of examination paper alliance. Private school day, send out the next day of public schools, and even a public schools did not approve division still finish! Look, this is efficiency contrast! herve leger colorblock pencil black skirt 
The effective management of the private school. Private school teachers are hiring, are college students. Young people are very fireball, can put their enthusiasm for the work do incisively and vividly. And very creative. Listen to a student said, one of her teachers of Chinese language, have a class is like in a storytelling, very casually, also very like a kid. Not curt sermons, nor press routines lectures, also not by textbook requirement to do, but the students but are very like. The students have a good relationship with him, achievement is also ranked first in the ranks. This must be the teacher's innovation that education teaching, to inject new vitality, give students opened a wide path. Of course, prompting young teachers' work, and devote yourself to physical and mental encouragement. Students have bonuses, teachers are more bonuses. Remember when in a test with the headmaster personally, private teacher in the examination room every private people's clothes, unified under the unity of the same color parasol. That was very striking, and it is also very proud, in tell the world they are private person. It is this material stimulation, spiritual encouragement inspired the teachers' and students' combat passion, dig out the teachers' and students' potential. So that high efficiency, the high score will not strange. herve leger v neck novelty bandage grey pink dress 

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