Wednesday, June 22, 2011

But the dripping of time to listen to louis vuitton

Many years ago, a farmer in the tour, don't be careful when barn lost his rare gold watch. Despite the farmer announced a reward of all farm: children, no matter who found the gold watch, can get a little pony.

In the mountain, the very large accumulation of barn, looking for a small piece of gold watch is looking for a needle in a haystack, be a reward excited children, busy along while nothing. The sun was setting. The night comes, the children have to go home, only a foal children love, continue to look for. His foal to the desire that is strong, and he would not give up. Into the darkness of the night, the eyes not clear child, began to use the hand fumble around. louis vuitton epi leather 

Deeper night, and the nearby farms and barn static down together, at this time, the child suddenly heard a faint "tick" sound! He follow the voice slowly feel, is becoming more and more clear voice began to tick. By accidentally tick, children in the dark sound barn found the gold watch.
He got the dream foal.

Today, our time, full of like gold watch of the opportunity, the brilliant as are filled with like the foal of alive, but as an ideal for most people, but the dripping of success, but it is often gorgeous noisy confusion, which was covered by the noise of the mediocre shortsighted flooding, be destroyed the blundering heart madness engulfed by.

We desire to ideal is so intense, but efforts to pay so much hardship, pursue to bear so much lost, we often only one step away from the tick of distance, sound but not heard, because of the lack of a simple lack of concentration, a little bit crazy centered. 

To calm yourself down, persistent and focused on, there will always be heard this time but the dripping of belongs to you.louis vuitton fashion bags 

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