Monday, August 1, 2011

What Sony, Apple, Louis Vuitton and Bean Pole Don't Want You To Know

A sudden feeling has come over me. One of rest, quiet and relaxation. There is no music playing in the background. Why? Because I deleted all of it. There are no movies that I'm watching nor series following. Why? Because I deleted them, or I'm sick of them. My desk at work is clear. My desk at my apt. is clear. My apartment itself is clean and my towels, laundry, bathroom and bedroom are all folded, tidy and done. Clean. As they should be.
The only things I have to think about now, are school, Sara and my business. My business consists of publicizing myself. School, well, I need to find a curriculum for Grade 2. I might as well keep an eye out for Grade 1 while I'm at it, as well. I'll go visit Sara tonight, with no music, no video. I might even forget my cell phone at my apt. on purpose. It's nice to be free of all these electronics. It reminds me of...
Nothing. Nothingness. A time when I would just sit back on my bed in my room, in the sun, and just close my eyes and think about the flowers...the ceiling... how many tomato plants I was going to plant in the summer, or what new piano song I should learn.
Frankly, my concerns were always very laid back, relaxed and simple. Every time I take something out of my life, I gain a little bit more freedom of thought. I feel myself less bound by the shackles of the "things" that I own. For example, when my bike was stolen while I was living in the plateau of Montreal. Or when I threw away 3 boxes of things before moving to downtown Montreal. Or when I sold or gave away everything I owned except for 2 suitcases which I brought to Korea. Those days... Those times.... Those prolonged periods of time where peaceful. Just like now.
The less things I own, the more peaceful I become. I'd love to walk around town with an iPad in my expensive handbag, and iPhone in my pocket and a $500 coat on my back. But when I think about it... when I really think about the feeling that comes when I get rid of the things that eliminate the worry, I realize the most peaceful moments are ones such as right now. When I can relax, take away the worry, take away all the "things" that make me all tight up.

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